Tuesday, August 24, 2010 / 4:18 AM
:D our class won dance competition! CHAMPIONS! :) good job everyone. (even the extra me o.e) THOMAS DALEY WAS IN POSITION 9 for diving @ YOG:( despite that, i am happy he even took part:D frwehghre chemistry. so many ions, so little time. and that little liar. tomorrow whole cohort (well, like 99%) are going to watch "aftershock" :D, its supposed to be part of our geog/ss learning journey... -.- seriously, i dont understand how crying our eyes out about a mother who chooses to save her younger child and leaving the older one to die is supposed to facilitate our geog and ss learning. and as there is assembly today, aergo, some program organized by the school- hiring some drama people from somewhere to teach us sex ed. there were puppets involved. seriously? its back to sesame street, everyone.
Well, Its back to square one.♣
Thursday, August 19, 2010 / 7:36 AM
I really really abhor you. the sight of you makes my guts twist in disgust. why are you such an attention seeker? do you really not know the pain you inflict on others? many harbour thoughts of hate now because of you. YOU DISGUST ME. oh, and dearie? you're not the only one. there are 2 more. Huisi you know who I'm talking bout right. Its a sub-set of what you posted. (mygawd. why is maths inter-related into this. eewewew.) [and huisi! STALKERS ARE COOL ♥. i think we're only saying that to comfort ourselves, but ah! who cares:D] charmaine ang, i think your signature phrases are awesome. "You think you funny ar?!" and the cute one:) i even quoted it! see there, to your left! or maybe its the right. i don't effin know :O. BOUGHT STICKY today:))) went to clarke quay with charmaine, vivian and kaiyi. we sat at the edge of the river. DAMN SCAREEE. *SCREAMMMM* okay. stupid bimbotic talk aside, i am so screwed. when i see victoria and grace solve a maths questions like its friggin' easy, all i'm thinking in my mind is like.. "WHAAAA...?" die. I AM AN (shit, i need to use the word i love to hate) EPIC FAILURE.
yikes. diediediediediediedie.♣
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 / 4:10 AM
ohmyeffingod. i am so dead. Ft came into class today and said: I will be calling some of your parents up. fail 1-2 tests, phone call. 3 or more, call parents, meet up and close observation. i honestly would NOT like to be under close scrutiny for, like forever? its plain freaky. bbzzt. SYF is the EPIC FAIL. we are soooo dead.. deadline on friday, and we're not even halfway done? die. went to puay suan's house today, and when i was leaving,a little girl was trying to attack me with a tree branch. thank God her maid/nanny person pulled her away.
Saturday, March 6, 2010 / 1:16 AM
eesh. updating mah blog because vivian said if i didnt in 3 days, she'd upload unglam pics of me. not that i was glam to start with. O_O went to huisi's house ytd! ohmyohmy. she showed me the pics from her childhood! soooooo cuteeeeeeeeeee~ and took a lift from her dad's car as her mom works at novena. near my house ^^ on the car ride there, i came to know huisi has a brother. and its an elmo from her childhood days ^^ also i discovered THE BEST chips ever! some more its in a sexaye packaging:] plus its yummy. but i find the girl at the bottom freakish.
i HATE common tests♣
Thursday, February 25, 2010 / 4:24 AM
EEEEEEEEEEEEE. Chemistry Test tomorrow. I realize i should be mugging like crazy right now, but oh well. And i was intending to go out and celebrate the end of common tests tomorrow, then i realized there was ART SYF project schedule tomorrow. :X:X:X:X RAWR. also, i'm sure nobody minds taking tests/exams, its just taking back the results and getting your folks to sign it that matters :O yay^^ bought a gossip girl book today at my school's book fair (?) sort of, book fair. i mean, setting up a table outside the staff room and selling books counts right? idk. went to mac with huisi, yujun, puay suan, grace and jolyn. its been ages since we ate tgt:) gonna revise for chem! GOGOGO:]
stop making false deductions.♣
Saturday, February 20, 2010 / 1:13 AM
what is wrong with you? why do you keep saying stuff when you know it is utter rubbish. if you dont mean it, dont say it. ans you should know who you are. because everyone else does.anyways, moving on, idk why our clique has so many probs. T.T actually i feel someone is behind it. TT.TT huisi and grace, you should know.
Monday, February 15, 2010 / 7:31 AM
TT.TT I just realised i have spent my past few days of CNY watching star world, and othr random movies (also, going to visit relatives) I ♥ glee, as in the show(:(:(: Star World and Fox are officially the best channels ever(: going ION tomorrow. quote "wakakakakaka"